Web Development
Mobile Development

You Are Loved App
React Native | Firebase | Github | Expo
The You Are Loved App is a mental health platform where users can share their feelings with their peers. I helped develop the friends list page, implementing features such as adding, searching, and viewing friends via a friend code or by scanning a QR code.

Fridge Buddy App
Java | Node.js | Firebase | API’s | GitHub | Android Studio
FridgeBuddy is a computer vision application used to detect food items and recommend recipes using modern recipe API’s. My role on this project was “Database Specialist” and my main responsibility was maintaining a Firebase database to securely store user input and account information.

Weight Tracker
HTML | CSS | JavaScript
I developed a weight tracker app using Charts.js

Orange Social Media
HTML | CSS | JavaScript
I developed a CRUD Social Media timeline.

9 Inning Baseball
HTML | CSS | JavaScript
A desktop baseball game, focusing on implementing a pitch-guess hitting/pitching system similar to that of MLB The Show games.

Rock Paper Scissors
HTML | CSS | JavaScript
A simple Rock Paper Scissors game, where you can face off against a fair CPU opponent.

Pokemon Battle
HTML | CSS | JavaScript
A web simulation of a Pokemon battle. Help Pikachu defeat the opponents Dragonite and become a Pokemon Master

Blackjack Simulation
Java | Node.js | Firebase | API’s | GitHub | Android Studio
A simulation of a Blackjack table. Play against the dealer until you are satisfied with your winnings, or until you run out of money.

Travel Site
HTML | CSS | JavaScript
A simple travel website project from Codecademy. I experienced working with Fetch API’s and async JavaScript.

Task Tracker App
React | Node.js
I developed an organized task tracking application with React and JSON server.

Chat App
React | Node.js | Firebase
A chat app, where you can text your friend in real time using a Firebase Realtime Database.

Chatroom App
React | Node.js | Firebase
A chatroom app, where you can see public chats in real time. User authentication is implemented through Firebase

Circus Frenzy
C++ | OpenGL
Circus Frenzy is an arcade style game where the user must reach their objective without being captured by Bongo, a killer clown, using classic WASD + mouse first person movement controls. I implemented many features like first-person movement, lighting, and particle effects.

Calculator w/ Built In Parser
Implemented an advanced calculator, which can assign and store variables and use the variables in operations. The built in parser used data structures (stack and heap) to perform operations on user input in the correct order, according to PEMDAS.

Spell Checker and Autocomplete
Implemented spell checking and autocomplete functionality using advanced data structures (hash-table, bst, trie). The functionality worked similar to that of a normal word processor (i.e Microsoft Word).

Advanced Data Structures
Implemented advanced data structures, such as: Binary Search Trees, Hash Tables, AVL Balanced Trees, Red-Black Trees, Tries, ArrayLists, and more.

Sorting and Graph Algorithms
Implemented sorting and graph algorithms, such as: Huffman (compress/decompress), Dijkstra, Breadth-first Search, Depth-First Search, Binary Search, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, and more

2048 Game Copycat
Java | JavaFX
Created a copycat version of the popular mobile game, 2048, using JavaFX to create the GUI. Users can use the keyboard arrows to mimic the controls of the mobile game.

Critter Simulation
Created my version of a critter classes, which battled in a tournament against other classmates critters. This project is based off the original version of Critters, developed at the University of Washington

Data Structures
Implemented data structures such as: trees, arrays, linked-lists, hash tables, and more.

Pixel Manipulation
Used Java libraries to create custom filters on images and videos. I implemented filters like grayscale, mono, warmth, and more.